Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – How To Trace an Image In Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial - How To Trace an Image In Adobe Illustrator

In this video tutorial I show you How To Trace an Image In Adobe Illustrator. There are many different ways to trace an image within adobe illustrator BUT with the Blob Brush Tool you can…
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8 responses to “Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – How To Trace an Image In Adobe Illustrator”

  1. emily mcclung says:

    This is the first video I am viewing for Ai. Thank you for the lesson. 

  2. Stephanie Butera says:

    awesome awesome awesome

  3. Holly Reyes says:

    I love your videos. thank you for making to illustrator and

  4. trinilauries says:

    great video but the bracket keys dont seem to do anything for me. i’m
    running cs6. i also cant change the colour of the brush from the white that
    it is defaulted to

  5. Charlene Smith says:

    Big help to explain the layers tip!

  6. Rona Clancy-Brewin says:

    Thank you for this excellent tutorial!

  7. OwlsEyelash says:

    Thank you. I spent half a day trying to do this and was unsuccessful until
    I found your video. Many thanks.

  8. OwlsEyelash says:

    I wish I knew how to change the colour of the brush!

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