Dreamweaver CS6 Tutorial: Basic HTML – Part 1 – Create a Website Course

Dreamweaver CS6 Tutorial:  Basic HTML - Part 1 - Create a Website Course

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21 responses to “Dreamweaver CS6 Tutorial: Basic HTML – Part 1 – Create a Website Course”

  1. mike jduk says:

    Sometimes it’s useful to know where developers have come from when looking
    to the future; and he only made a brief reference to it. If you’ve seen
    some of the, so called tutorials from across the pond, boy do they waffle
    on about themselves for most of the time! This is an excellent course that
    is generally straight to the point. The fact that it is free is a real
    bonus, so,many thanks for a really helpful tutorial, Simon.

  2. shekaib007 says:

    is it me or does this guy just go on and on and on, not being rude but we
    don’t need to know how people designed websites in the old days, that’s a
    whole different topic!!! Thank you anyways.

  3. Julije Jelaska says:

    Best is VISUAL TOOLS. FAST AND EASY.Programing is loosing visual battles.

  4. אוני אמיר says:

    thanks man great video!!

  5. Md Kawser Ahmed says:


  6. ourosborne says:

    Great video. What software do you use to create the tutorial and the flip
    screen effect

  7. UniqueFun says:

    It is a great video! I hope you will a have a lot of views

  8. hitec16 says:

    lower framerate makes video size smaller 🙂 we don’t need 60 FPS to watch
    mostly static text 😉 it’s not a action movie lol

  9. gilit222 says:


  10. LividProductions says:

    Camtasia Studio and Camtasia Studio Recorder For games use fraps but for
    desktop tutorials this will do 🙂

  11. jupiter jove says:


  12. DreamweaverCCSerial says:

    thank you

  13. Jim says:

    Get better speakers, the sound is fine.

  14. Tube mix says:

    Lup Lup

  15. zebounce says:

    thank you very much Simon!

  16. Fameolous says:

    Hello, Im looking for a web designer to build me a website. I want a
    celebrity entertainment page. Can you help me?

  17. Josh Purcell says:

    were you watching it in 720p with it still fuzzy ?

  18. Rrayiijr says:

    Dat framerate.

  19. Tube mix says:

    dont speak mooooooooooooooore just working

  20. Major Glenn Mark says:

    please sir Simon how do i publish after creating my site

  21. guest Hans says:

    sir… i couldn’t found part 4-6…

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