Lightroom 3 Tutorial for beginners Easy basic lessons. A to Z Importing, editing, tips, exporting (Budget Equipment) (For Extra Help) …
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Video tutorial posted 04/05/15
Category: Lightroom Tutorials

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- offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
Our site has beginner, intermediate and advanced video tutorials of varying lengths so you can learn a new skill at your own speed and level. So whether you're a web designer, print designer or just wanting to edit some family photos, you can get to it quickly and easily using these free video guides. (more)
Very helpful for beginners like me! Thank you very much!!!!! God bless.
Hi Mack thank you for your sharing good knowledge abt the Lightroom. M a
beginner and i want learn how to edit RAW files in lightroom. i try it but
unsuccessful. m from india. and i want good knowledge in the LIGHTROOM
Thanks…. God will bless u
You have a lot of great videos! I’ve been watching them all day.
It started with some videos about getting to know my new D7100…
Then I found your videos about ISO, shutter speed etc. Very helpful videos!
And now I’m watching your videos about Lightroom.
I mostly use photoshop, because I don’t totally understand Lightroom..
Your videos truly make me wanna learn so much more about everything.
Keep it up! Thanks!
Nice tutorials question so is not recommended to transfer the pictures
directly from sd card .why?
or you can use Crtl+A to select all the pictures so you don’t have to
scroll down the last pictures when you have like hundreds of pictures 😉
lol.. That’s my birthday!
Please How Much Is It For High Quality When You Send Them? 1000K? Please I
Really Want To Know! Thanks!
This helped get me started. Thank you because there are very few people
willing to share their Knowledge. Now I don’t feel investing in the
software as a waste. I can’t thank you enough. God bless you for your
willingness to help others.
Hi, I have a couple questions….. I am new to editing RAW files…. just
started shooting in RAW. Anyway, I am debating between using Aperture or
Lightroom. I heard that Aperture was system intensive, more so then
Lightroom…. is that true? I have a 4 year old iMac. And also, when you
edit a RAW file and go to save it, does it over-ride the original RAW
file….. how does a RAW file save itself? Thanks for all your knowledge,
I’ve learned quite a few things from watching your tutorials.
fantastic tutorials mate. really helpful. thanx 🙂
I guess you didn’t watch the video. Uncheck the box that says, “limit file
size to” and you’ll get max quality.
Thanks for taking the time to do this, I’m follwoing your Photo vid’s too
soooooo goooood! ;O)
Hey I was wondering… I’m just getting into photography more and more and
know I don’t want to just stick with the converter/editing that came with
my t2i and was advised my another photographer to purchase eadobe elements
premier 11 to start out with… Would you agree?
@lapequesalsera If you feel confident about photoshop then you’ll worship
LR because it’s that simple to follow. If money is not an issue then wait
for LR4 which will be out next year. If you need something right away and
then later upgrade to LR4 for extra money then go for LR3. You won’t regret
Hi Pat, sorry not yet but I do plan to get it and make some tutorials.
Subscribe if you want to get updates. I use LR4 and LR5 is not going to be
that much different. My current tutorials are done on LR4
It’s awsome! ^ ^
lol me too Crtl+A Crlt+Z Crtl+X Crtl+C Crtl+V Crtl+P I’m a Crtl freak!! lol